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Established in North Vancouver in 1974, Hatfield is one of western Canada’s leading environmental and social consulting companies for over 50 years, providing high-quality services for private and public sector clients both in Canada and internationally. Our ability to deliver our services locally using our network of offices in North Vancouver, New Westminster, Fort St. John, Terrace, Calgary, and Fort McMurray allows us to connect deeply to the people and communities in which we work with. Our Canadian offices also implement projects around the world, often in collaboration with our international offices in Indonesia and Botswana.
We are widely recognized as experts in environmental, water resources, geomatics, and social sciences and have a successful track record in the design, implementation, and management of projects. Our scientific expertise also extends to aquatic and terrestrial ecology, hydrogeology, marine sciences, wildlife and biodiversity, remote sensing and environmental data analytics. Within Canada, Hatfield supports clients in sectors including transportation and municipal infrastructure, mining and exploration, oil and gas, forestry, clean energy, pulp and paper, and fisheries and aquaculture, as well as for public sector, non-government organizations, and Indigenous communities.
To learn more about our services in Canada or to connect with someone in one of our offices, visit our contact page.