Wolfe Creek Fish Habitat Offsetting Project
Copper Mountain Mine
Princeton, British Columbia
Project Duration
2015 – ongoing
The East and West Dams of the Copper Mountain Mine Tailings Management Facility are to be raised on an annual basis to an elevation of 997 m as per amended Mines Act Permit M-29. To protect the toe of the East Dam and prevent encroachment into Wolfe Creek the mine realigned 2.9 km of Wolfe Creek, of which 915 m was fish-bearing. To offset residual impacts to fish habitat the mine developed the Wolfe Creek Fish Habitat Offsetting Plan (FHOP) in support of regulatory approvals. The FHOP was designed to provide higher quality habitat for rainbow trout than what was impacted by the Wolfe Creek realignment and includes new meandering run-pool-riffle channels, spawning riffles, and overwintering and summer rearing ponds.
Services Provided
Hatfield provided environmental design input during development of the Wolfe Creek Realignment, developed the FHOP, supported engagement with Indigenous communities, obtained regulatory approvals (Fisheries Act Authorization and Water Licence pursuant to the BC Water Sustainability Act), developed an effectiveness monitoring plan for a period of nine years post-construction of the FHOP, provided designer oversight during construction of the FHOP, and currently undertaking effectiveness monitoring of the FHOP in accordance with the monitoring plan.