Topographic Mapping for Ngamiland and Ghanzi Districts, Botswana
Botswana Department of Surveys and Mapping
Ghanzi District, Botswana
Project Duration
July 2017 – January 2018
As part of a national technological transformation exercise to fully digitize map production in Botswana and provide users with up-to-date topographic maps, the Department of Surveys and Mapping contracted Hatfield to update 60 map sheets covering parts of Ngamiland and Ghanzi Districts in Botswana. Data was captured from 0.5-metre resolution satellite imagery into a geodatabase following data capture standards established by the Department of Surveys and Mapping.
Services Provided
Key tasks for this project included implementation of the Botswana government standard topographic mapping geodatabase, compiling detailed digital feature captures from high resolution satellite imagery according to mapping standards and requirements, and adhering to quality assurance and quality control principles as well as national standards for topographic map layout and cartography.