Permitting and Habitat Offsetting for Shipyard Expansion
Seaspan ULC
North Vancouver, British Columbia
Project Duration
October 2018 – May 2019
Seaspan constructed a gravel bed for grounding of the drydock Seaspan Careen at the load-out pier as part of the Joint Support Ships (JSS) program at the Pemberton Avenue site in North Vancouver, British Columbia.
Services Provided
Hatfield provided Seaspan with permitting and environmental services associated with the construction, including the East Infill and JSS Load-out Gravel Bed. Services provided included securing a Fisheries Act Approval from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, submitting a Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Project and Environmental Review with a Construction Environmental Monitoring Plan on Seaspan’s behalf, and submitting a notification or application to Transport Canada under the Canadian Navigable Waters Act. Hatfield worked closely with marine engineers while engaging with Indigenous groups, the District of North Vancouver and other stakeholders to design riparian and marine habitat offsetting, in line with Green Shores principles. Intertidal and subtidal habitat surveys were undertaken by the Hatfield Team, and Hatfield also conducted an offsetting location habitat assessment, which was a critical part of the Fisheries Act Approval.