Pattullo Bridge Replacement Project – Environmental Advisory Services
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
British Columbia
Project Duration
March 2016 – December 2019
The Pattullo Bridge Replacement Project involves the planning and construction of a new four lane bridge located in the upstream vicinity of the old bridge. The new bridge will include the installation of a safer crossing with wider lanes and a centre median, separated pedestrian and cyclist lanes on both sides of the bridge, and improved community connections to New Westminster and Surrey. Once the new bridge is in operation the existing bridge will be removed.
Services Provided
Hatfield was engaged early at the design and construction phase of the Project to provide environmental advisory services including regulatory advice, inputs on scope and environmental assessment requirements, and preparation of an environmental risk assessment. Once the Project was approved, Hatfield was given responsibility for the overall management and delivery of the Project’s Application for Environment Assessment Certificate (EAC Application) under the BC Environment Act. Hatfield prepared the Application Information Requirements (AIR) documents, led multiple key baseline studies, managed sub-consultants, wrote and compiled the Application, and provided responses to Information Requests during the review and approval process.