John Hart Generating Station Replacement Project
SNC Lavalin and Aecon
Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada
Project Duration
February 2014 – ongoing
BC Hydro replaced the John Hart Generating Station hydroelectric facility located on the Campbell River adjacent to Elk Falls Provincial Park, near the City of Campbell River, British Columbia. The main Design-Build Project components included: a new water intake in the existing concrete main dam leading to a shaft and power tunnel to convey power flows; an environmental flow release facility and low level outlet; an underground powerhouse complex; and a new tailrace and outlet structure to return the power flow to Campbell River. The Project also included the decommissioning and removal of the old facility, such as the generating equipment, the superstructure of the existing powerhouse, and woodstave penstocks and steel pipelines.
Services Provided
As overall environmental managers for the design-build and decommissioning phases of the Project, Hatfield provided on-site environmental management for the Project. The core responsibilities of Hatfield’s environmental team included:
- Overall environmental direction and management, including liaison with environmental representatives from BC Hydro, the IEM, and regulatory agencies;
- Preparation of a comprehensive Construction, Commissioning, Decommissioning and Operations Environmental Management Plans, Environmental Work Plans and a range of other environmental management documents;
- Development and presentation of environmental training to support worker orientation and other project-specific requirements;
- Acquisition of environmental permits, licenses, approvals and authorizations;
- Developing and implementing a number of surveys and monitoring studies in support of Project environmental management;
- Environmental monitoring and coordination to ensure compliance with the Project environmental obligations, contract, regulations, and conditions of permits, licenses, approvals and authorizations;
- Participation in routine surveillance and process audits as required by our corporate ISO9001:2015 quality management system, and the Project quality system; and
- Subcontracting the Independent Project Environmental Monitor (Mainstream Biological) on behalf of BC Hydro and SNC-Lavalin, and the Contaminated Sites Professional team (SLR Consulting) for the contaminated soils management phase of decommissioning.