Community-Focused Investment to Address Deforestation and Forest Degradation in West Kalimantan (FIP-1)
Asian Development Bank, Ministry of Environment and Forestry [MOEF], the Directorate General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership
West Kalimantan, Indonesia
2017 – 2023
In 2018, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia partnered with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to implement the Forest Investment Program-1 (FIP-1) under Grant 0501-INO, entitled “Community-Focused Investment to Address Deforestation and Forest Degradation in West Kalimantan (FIP-1)”. This 17 million USD initiative, financed by the ADB, aimed to assist the Indonesian Government, particularly the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the Directorate General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership, along with local communities, in promoting sustainable forest management and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This was achieved by enhancing technical capacity and improving local community livelihoods. The project design and monitoring framework outlined three interconnected outputs for FIP-1:
- Implementation of community-focused and gender-responsive REDD+ pilots in Kapuas Hulu and Sintang districts;
- Effective implementation of the provincial REDD+ strategy in West Kalimantan; and
- Harmonization of sub-national fiscal policies on REDD+ with national policies.
After six years of collaborative work, the project concluded with two main outcomes of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing community income. Based on project carbon accounting completed in December 2022, the project reduced GHG emissions by 1.82 million tons carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq) and has increased income in project communities by 40% from the 2018 baseline condition.
Services Provided:
Hatfield Indonesia was selected to lead the Project Implementation Supporting Unit (PISU) and closely collaborated with the executing agency, the Directorate General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership. The FIP-1 project developed community-focused REDD+ Pilots in Kapuas Hulu and Sintang districts, in West Kalimantan Province.
Hatfield Indonesia’s role included planning, implementation, and monitoring of the grant that was integrated in the national budget plan. Mobilizing 43 experts and utilizing more than 1,700 person months, Hatfield Indonesia provided support on sustainable forest management, forest fire prevention, community-based forest management (social forestry), strengthening the capacity of sub-national government on REDD+ planning and communication, community livelihood improvement, and harmonizing sub-national regulation related to REDD+ with the national fiscal policy. Hatfield Indonesia was also responsible for the REDD+ measurement, monitoring, reporting, and development of the Safeguard Information System for REDD+, and assessment of the REDD+ benefit sharing mechanism.
During the Project Closing Ceremony in June 2023, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry noted successful project facilitation. and the meeting, or exceeding, of project performance indicators. Additionally, Hatfield Indonesia also provided substantial added value to the project, for example facilitating 15 out of 17 targeted villages to receive the Village Climate Program (ProKlim).