EnviroData – Software as a Service Environmental Data Management Platform
Project Duration
2012 – Ongoing
Since 2012, Hatfield has been developing a web-accessible software system called “EnviroData” to manage large volumes of environmental data. EnviroData’s automated workflow to ingest, quality check, interpret and integrate multiple environmental datasets has helped our clients to reduce risk and meet expectations of regulators, investors, and the public. The roots of EnviroData intertwine Hatfield’s in-house expertise of environmental monitoring with software engineering.
Find detailed information about EnviroData at www.envirodata.io.
EnviroData accepts instrument, field and sample data based on observations, and physical and chemical measurements across all data types. It allows for the automatic ingestion of laboratory files followed by in-built quality and regulatory compliance checks. The intuitive web-based interface allows users to view and query datasets easily and to export the data through a robust and customizable reporting platform. EnviroData supports real-time, near-real-time, and static datasets and uses APIs to allow integration with other corporate information management systems. EnviroData has been implemented for various clients including mines in British Columbia and oil sand clients in the Athabasca oil sands region of Alberta, Canada.
Hatfield’s EnviroData provides a wide range of functionality, including:
- Automatic screening of water quality data and other discretely sampled datasets against guidelines;
- Guideline management and calculation capabilities which includes pH, DO, temperature and hardness-dependent calculations;
- Strong handling of quality assurance datasets;
- Integrated alerting functions based on a wide range of calculations;
- Custom modeling capabilities, such as evapotranspiration calculations;
- Ability to generate custom reports, create and send notifications, and conduct automated QA/QC tasks;
- Interactive built-in graphing tools for continuous and discretely sampled datasets;
- Custom bulk data export tools including flexible monitoring location and parameter selection, guideline screening, and summary statistics;
- The ability to use R to create reports, create and send notifications, and conduct automated QA/QC tasks;
- Integration with R for highly adaptable data manipulation and reporting capabilities.