Winter hydrology work for tourmaline
Dec 15, 2012
Tourmaline Oil Corp. (Tourmaline) has contracted Hatfield Consultants in Calgary to perform winter hydrology work.
This Project is assisting Tourmaline with applications for approvals to temporarily divert water for the purposes of drilling and completion of an oil well. Hatfield is responsible for identifying potential sources of water, and is working in collaboration with Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development to determine if the water source meets regulations prior to preparing the application for submission. Hatfield will also conduct regular flow assessments if required by approved Temporary Diversion Licenses that are granted.
Tourmaline commenced operations in fall of 2008 with the objective of building a successful Canadian intermediate crude oil and natural gas exploration, development and production company. During the two-year period since commencing active operations, Tourmaline had assembled an extensive undeveloped land position with a large, multi-year drilling inventory and operation control of important natural gas processing and transportation infrastructure in two core long-term growth areas – the Alberta Deep Basin and the Greater Peace River High.
For more information, please contact us:
Mr. Chris Briggs
Senior Environmental Specialist
Tel.: +1 403 351 0191