Call for Abstracts: Status of Fish Monitoring in the Fraser River Basin
Jan 16, 2020
The American Fisheries Society Western Division Meeting, hosted by the WA-BC Chapter, is scheduled from April 12-16, 2020 in Vancouver, BC and is currently calling for abstract submissions on a wide variety of topics. Cory Bettles of Hatfield will be chairing a symposium focused on the Status of Fish Monitoring in the Fraser River Basin.
We are inviting fisheries researchers or professionals to submit an abstract based on recent and ongoing fish monitoring and fish sampling techniques/studies executed in the Fraser River Basin. Emphasis will be placed on at-risk species and populations of importance to Indigenous Groups including, but not limited to, eulachon, white sturgeon, and Pacific salmon. Although presentations will aim to showcase studies conducted in the Basin, the information discussed can also provide valuable insight and an opportunity for proven and successful monitoring strategies to be adopted and incorporated into other large river investigations.
Interested participants will need to register for the meeting and submit their abstracts and/or poster sessions through the online portal on the website. Presenters are allotted a 20-minute slot for their presentation and questions from the audience. Abstracts will be accepted up until midnight February 12, 2020.
For any questions or more information, please contact:
Cory Bettles, MSc, RPBio, FP-C
Senior Fisheries Scientist and Manager