Hatfield Welcomes New Staff
Oct 28, 2016
Hatfield Consultants continues to grow and we’re pleased to introduce the following staff:
Dave Evans – BSc Biological Sciences – Senior Fisheries Specialist and Calgary Office Manager
Dave is an Aquatic Specialist with over 19 years of experience in fisheries and aquatic resources work as a consultant and regulator. He has extensive experience conducting and overseeing fish habitat and inventory studies in western Canada and has also conducted aquatic studies in the US Pacific Northwest and northern Canada. Dave has prepared and reviewed regulatory approvals for numerous projects including several water management infrastructure projects. His extensive experience with numerous fish capture techniques includes gill netting, boat electrofishing, backpack electrofishing, minnow trapping, beach seining, and angling. Dave has been involved with the collection, preparation and analysis of fish aging structures as well as the collection of various genetic samples. Dave is currently a member of the Bow River Regulation Review Public Advisory Committee and joins our Calgary office as a Senior Fisheries Specialist and Manager.
Hannah Koslowsky – BSc (Honours) Biology and Anthropology, MA History and Philosophy of Science, Postgraduate Certification in Ecosystem Restoration – Junior Hydrologist / Water Resources Technician
Hannah comes to Hatfield with extensive aquatic monitoring experience that includes benthic monitoring, habitat assessment, and water chemistry. She has strong hydrology in-situ experience involving flow measurements, stream bed material characterization, and stream stability assessment. Hannah’s experience with computer programs includes mapping and modelling in ArcGIS, heads-up digitizing in AutoCAD, and modelling flow discharge in creeks through HEC-HMS. Terrestrially she is well-versed in Ecological Land Classification, including vegetation analysis, wildlife surveys, and soil sampling. Hannah joins our Water Resources Group in Fort McMurray.
Sarah Thomasen – BSc Biodiversity, BSc Ecological Restoration, MSc Fisheries Ecology – Environmental Specialist
Sarah is an Aquatic Ecologist with experience preparing impact assessments, permitting applications, baseline and feasibility studies, and restoration plans for industrial development. She’s worked in public, private and academic sectors on environmental issues, focusing on restoration, conservation and protection of aquatic ecosystems. Sarah brings diverse consulting experience in aquatic ecology environmental assessment and long-term monitoring. She is well versed in BC Fisheries Acts and BC and Ontario Regulatory requirements and enjoys mentoring her peers. We are excited to have Sarah join our Environmental Monitoring and Assessment team in North Vancouver.
Dominic Ritgen – Associate Diploma in Agriculture, BSc Earth Science / Geology – Junior Hydrogeologist
Dominic has a passion for hydrogeology and started his career after obtaining his Associate Diploma. He has experience collecting groundwater, surface water, soil and methane gas monitoring data on a variety of projects to construct annual reporting for Ministry-mandated environmental and hydrogeological monitoring programs. He has conducted geomechanical testing on core, sampled and monitored drilling fluids, and collected groundwater samples for opportunistic sampling on a high-profile bedrock drilling investigation in Ontario. Dominic has collected and catalogued terrestrial and aquatic field data on an active iron mine site on Baffin Island in a leadership capacity. His work experience and passion led him to complete his BSc in Earth Science / Geology. Dominic has worked all over Canada and we are happy he has chosen Vancouver to set down long-term roots. He joins our Water Resources team in North Vancouver.
Mark Bietting – BSc Geology – Senior Hydrogeologist
Mark has over 15 years of practical geology and hydrogeology experience, including over 11 years in geological and environmental consulting throughout Canada and the United States. His extensive project work focused on aquifer testing and characterization, pumping well design and testing, groundwater and surface water quantity/quality monitoring, water supply exploration and well design, well rehabilitation programs, hydrogeology in conjunction with geotechnical assessments and engineering design, groundwater quantity/quality mitigation and remediation, landfill gas and waste impact assessments, contaminated site investigations (including downstream oil and gas), contaminant loading assessments, septic field feasibility assessments, source water protection studies, seepage flux assessments, and groundwater modelling conceptualization. Mark’s project work often involves stakeholder engagement (presentations, town hall meetings, consultation) including regulators, First Nations, and residential/commercial landowners for source water protection, septic fields, and the mining, land development, and oil and gas sectors. Mark is also the Vice President of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Canadian National Chapter. We are excited that Mark has joined our growing Water Resources team in North Vancouver.
Kristy Wade – MSc Applied Ecology – Environmental Specialist
Kristy originally joined Hatfield in 2012 as an Environmental Specialist at Hatfield Consultants with experience working in ecotoxicology, in academic, government laboratories and consulting settings. Kristy graduated from the University of Guelph with a BSc in Environmental Toxicology, and completed an additional Environmental Science Certificate in Environmental Conservation. Kristy has worked with metal mining and pulp and paper clients, performing field tasks and the data analysis required to complete provincial and federal Environmental Effects Monitoring reports. Kristy has been involved in many projects related to water quality analysis and has also assisted with field work related to fish habitat programs and construction monitoring in the Fort McMurray area. Kristy has acted as project manager and field crew lead for various projects and worked in the North Vancouver and Fort McMurray Hatfield offices. Kristy took a year off to obtain her MSc in Applied Ecology from the University of Exeter in the UK and is rejoining our Environmental Monitoring and Assessment group in North Vancouver. We are very pleased that Kristy has decided to return to Hatfield!
Liz Kjikjerkovska – BSc (Honours) and MSc Physical Geography – Water Resource Technician
Liz has been part of several remote and local climate, hydrology and soils science projects, and earned her MSc in Arctic Hydrology. The projects she worked on includes suspended sediment content and discharge response of Arctic rivers to precipitation, soil and soil gas response to different fertilization amounts, paleoclimatology and limnology of High Arctic and Ontario Lakes, and long-term Arctic hydroclimate and water sources analysis. Liz coordinated and executed Arctic field sampling projects by ensuring timely delivery of equipment and food supplies, field sampling plan, and detailed sampling protocols. She has performed time series analysis, including flow duration curve analysis, base separation method, appropriate infilling method, calculation of flood/low/mean annual frequency of flows, watershed water balance, atmospheric surface composite anomalies 2 (atmospheric boundary conditions), atmospheric and surface water sources, and sub-watershed water mixing, and statistically examined 60 years of daily climate data and 30 years of daily hydrometric data. We are very pleased that Liz has joined our Water Resources Team in Fort McMurray.
Heather McLeod – Environmental Technician Diploma – Environmental Specialist
Heather has been a Field Program Coordinator with Hatfield Consultants in our Fort McMurray location since January 2014, and is now relocating to Vancouver. She is currently a Technologist in Training through the Association of Science and Engineering professionals of Alberta. Heather has experience working with municipality, public utility and private conservation sectors performing water quality/benthic monitoring as well as herpetological identification. During her time in Alberta, in addition to her primary role as Field Coordinator, Heather has acted as an Environmental Specialist for water quality sampling, construction monitoring, hydrological work and fish surveys. Heather has extensive experience in construction monitoring, hydrological and water quality sampling and fish salvage programs in a leadership capacity. Heather will join our Environmental Infrastructure Group in North Vancouver as an Environmental Specialist.
For more information, please contact:
Grant Bruce
E-mail: hcp@hatfieldgroup.com
Tel.: +1-604-926-3261
Toll-Free: +1-866-926-3261