NEMA project highlighted at Aquaculture Europe 2004 conference
Feb 22, 2005
November 2004 Hatfield presented the findings of the New EO Markets for Fisheries and Aquaculture (NEMA) project as part of the Aquaculture Europe 2004 Conference held in Barcelona Spain from October 21 – 23, 2004. The AquaFlow Forum was designed to highlight European aquaculture projects within the context of the Aquaculture Europe conference. Over 600 delegates from industry, government, research institutions, and non-governmental organizations from over 40 countries attended the conference.
The AquaFlow Forum provided the NEMA project team with a unique opportunity to market and promote Earth Observation (EO) based products and services to the target market – the aquaculture industry. Through the AquaFlow Forum, the project team directly engaged industry representatives, and documented their interest and feedback regarding the role of EO within the fisheries and aquaculture industries.
This NEMA project is funded through the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) Earth Observation and Market Development (EOMD) program under the Earth Observation Responses to Geo-Information Market Drivers, Market Segment Line 5: Fisheries. Hatfield is supported by the following organizations: Apolloni Virtual Studio (Italy); ÆRDE Environmental Research (Canada); ACRI-st (France); Nefisco Foundation (Netherlands); DHI Water and Environment (Denmark); and Strata360 (Canada).
The NEMA project identified a number of opportunities for integrating EO-based information in the fisheries and aquaculture sector, including:
- Water Quality and Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring (HAB);
- Aquaculture Site Selection; and
- Aquaculture Facilities Monitoring.
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Grant Bruce
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