Hatfield wins DFO review of IPP monitoring programs
Nov 16, 2012
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) announced Hatfield’s most recent win at the BC Clean Energy BC 2012 Conference. DFO has retained Hatfield to assess Independent Power Producer (IPP) industry compliance with project Fisheries Act Authorizations. Hatfield will be assessing if environmental monitoring reports for 24 run-of-river hydropower facilities in the BC/Yukon region comply with their project Authorizations and with recently developed monitoring protocols.
Specific objectives of the project are:
a) To review habitat monitoring reports submitted by IPPs for compliance and conformance to their Fisheries Act Authorizations.
b) To analyze and report on observed IPP Industry conduct and effectiveness of habitat monitoring, particularly in relation to standards advocated in the long term aquatic monitoring protocol.
c) To provide recommendation on opportunities to improve conduct and effectiveness of IPP monitoring.
For more information, please contact us:
Dr. Peter McNamee
Vice-President and Partner
E-mail: hcp@hatfieldgroup.com
Tel.: +1 604 926 3261
Toll-Free: 1 866 926 3261