Hatfield Wins Contract with the Indonesian State-Owned Infrastructure Guarantee Fund
Dec 16, 2013
PT Hatfield Indonesia (Hatfield) was selected to provide environmental, social, and land acquisition consultancy services to the Indonesian Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (IIGF). IIGF is a state-owned enterprise that provides a single window for appraising, structuring, and extending guarantees for Public-Private Partnership (P3) infrastructure projects in Indonesia. IIGF was established with assistance from The World Bank, with the purpose to leverage private financing for infrastructure projects.
Prior to approving infrastructure projects, the IIGF requires that experts from Hatfield review critical environmental, social, and land acquisition components of proposed projects. Reviewer from Hatfield follow protocols described in IIGF’s Operations Manual, the World Bank Safeguard Policies, and IFC Performance Standards. Hatfield experts assess documents related to environmental, social and land acquisition plans, undertake site visits, if required, and provide recommendations to ensure project compliance to National and International standards. Hatfield is also responsible for developing recommendations for addressing identified gaps or deficiencies to be followed up by Contracting Agencies.
PT Hatfield Indonesia is a pioneer in the field of environmental services in Indonesia, with a 24-year history of delivering successful projects to clients from our office in Bogor, West Java. Hatfield Indonesia is a joint venture with Hatfield Consultants in Canada, and recognized for providing innovative solutions to complex environmental challenges throughout SE-Asia. Hatfield Indonesia has received Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) Certification from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and takes pride in developing the skills and capabilities of our staff, and in our long-term presence in Indonesia.
For more information, please contact us:
Ir. Bambang Tri Sasongko ADI, M.Si
President Director/Senior Environmental and Forestry Specialist
E-mail: hatfindo@hatfieldgroup.com
Tel.: +62 251 8324 487