Hatfield Conducts Surface Water Quality Sampling for Hammerstone
Oct 01, 2014
Hatfield is conducting the 2014 seasonal surface water quality monitoring at the Hammerstone Project (Project) north of Fort McMurray. The objectives of the Hammerstone surface water quality monitoring program are to ensure compliance with water-release limits, and to evaluate potential effects of releases on receiving water systems.Surface water quality monitoring will be carried out at six sampling stations representing areas upstream and downstream of the Project (i.e., outside and within the potential zone of influence) and identical to those used in previous years. Sampling will occur three times annually: once in spring when water levels are high; once in summer when water levels are lower and temperatures are high; and once in fall when water levels are low, prior to the winter freeze.
Data collected and analyzed by Hatfield will be entered into a project database, and will be interpreted to determine if any effects of the MVQ on water quality are evident. Trends over time also will be evaluated. The report will also examine potential regional effects of neighboring industry on water quality variables sampled at Hammerstone locations. Results will be screened against appropriate water quality guidelines.
For more information, please contact us:
Mr. Martin Davies
Partner &Senior Environmental Specialist
E-mail: hcp@hatfieldgroup.com
Tel.: +1-604–926-3261
Toll-Free: +1-866-926-3261