Hatfield Chairs the Mekong Forum Opening on Water, Food and Energy in Viet Nam
Dec 09, 2013
Hatfield’s Senior Climate Change and Water Governance Specialist, Dr. Sokhem Pech, chaired the opening session of the 3rd Mekong Forum on Water, Food and Energy held in Ha Noi, Viet Nam between November 19th and 21st. The forum was organized by the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF).
Hatfield and the Cambodian Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology hosted Session 16 that focused on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at the river catchment level. Hatfield is implementing, in partnership with a number of different Cambodian Ministries and organizations, a project entitled “Fostering Evidence-based IWRM in the Stung Pursat Catchment (Tonle Sap Great Lake) Cambodia” funded by CPWF and the Australian Aid Program. The Project’s mandate is to promote and coordinate development and management of water, land and related resources to maximize economic and social benefits, and the equitable distribution of these benefits, while and maintaining vital ecosystems. In addition, the project investigates strategies to translate IWRM theory into governance practices. This is promoted by ensuring that competition and conflicts for water amongst irrigated agriculture, hydropower, domestic water supply and sanitation are properly assessed and debated.
The CPWF was launched in 2002 as one of the reform initiatives of CGIAR. CPWF aims to increase resilience of social and ecological systems through better water management for food production. It does this by focusing on the nexus between water, food and poverty in developing countries. It develops water-related innovations to reduce poverty, improve food security, strengthen rural livelihoods, and maintain ecosystems services.
Dr. Sokhem Pech is a Senior Climate Change and Water Governance Specialist at Hatfield Consultants based in North Vancouver, Canada. Dr. Pech has over 29 years of experience specializing in institutional capacity assessment and development, strategic planning and program development, monitoring and evaluation, development of web based toolkits and communication materials, sustainability assessment frameworks, environmental and climate related risk management, and sustainable policy development. Dr. Sokhem has been a team leader, manager and assistant manager in a number of high-profile environmental and climate related projects and programs in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam.
For more information, please contact us:
Dr. Sokhem Pech, PhD (Hon) MA, LLM
Senior Climate Change & River Basin Governance Specialist
E-mail: hcp@hatfieldgroup.com
Tel.: +1-604–926-3261
Toll-Free: +1-866-926-3261