Hatfield selected as a finalist for B.C Transportation Consulting Engineer’s Award in the 2021 Specialized Engineering Services Category
Jan 26, 2022
Hatfield is thrilled to have been selected as a finalist for the B.C Transportation Consulting Engineer’s Awards in the 2021 Specialized Engineering Services category for our work on the Eve River Fish Habitat Offsetting Remediation Project. Nominated by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI), this award recognizes technical excellence in consulting engineer services which have helped to improve B.C’s transportation infrastructure.
The Eve River Fish Habitat Offsetting Remediation is a project Hatfield has been working on for MOTI since 2019. Hatfield was retained to confirm the previously-installed habitat offsetting features of the Eve River were not functioning optimally due to limited fish access, and influences from bedload movement and channel migration. Hatfield worked with MOTI and the design team to develop a remedial work plan to improve the effectiveness of the habitat, which has since seen the successful influx of coho salmon, Dolly Varden, and rainbow trout to the newly enhanced area, as well as new riparian vegetation for the river.
The award recipients will be announced at the Transportation Conference 2022 on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, hosted by the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia, and in partnership with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and TransLink. For more information, visit the conference website here.