Hatfield’s reputation is built on an unflinching commitment to quality. From the design of our projects to our day-to-day operations, we uphold superior standards to ensure our clients receive the highest quality services possible.
This focus led us to seek and achieve ISO9001 certification in 2008 for our Vancouver operations. Since then, we have maintained and continually improved our quality management system, with the latest recertification to ISO9001:2015 being completed in 2023 and including our North Vancouver, Calgary, Fort McMurray, New Westminster, and Indonesia operations. ISO 9001 certification is an independent, third-party validation that Hatfield has well-established and auditable quality management processes in place and is focused on constantly improving service delivery to our clients, whether developing reports or collecting water samples.
The ISO9001 standard forms the basis of Hatfield’s Quality Management Plan, which provides staff with procedures for implementing key business operations and detailed instructions for field activities. Hatfield’s internationally recognized quality management system is applied to all Hatfield business activities and ensures that our activities and services meet appropriate quality standards.
The success of these systems has been showcased on large, complex projects like the Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement and the Sea-to-Sky Highway Improvement projects in Vancouver’s Lower Mainland, and the John Hart Generating Station Replacement project, a hydroelectric facility located near the city of Campbell River, for which Hatfield has received several awards from the Environmental Managers Association of British Columbia.