United Nations and Hatfield co-author Guide on Spatial Technologies for Disaster Risk Management for Aquaculture
Dec 07, 2018
Hatfield collaborated with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to publish a guide that provides concepts and technical information to raise awareness and improve knowledge of the spatial technologies available to decision-makers, managers and technical personnel involved in disaster risk management (DRM) for aquaculture.
The Guide addresses the use of spatial technologies that support those working to reduce disaster risks and respond to emergencies in the aquaculture sector. It describes the principles for using spatial technologies in DRM and will therefore remain relevant, even in the context of rapid technological innovation and the advancement of these technologies.
The processes and steps for using spatial technology within DRM for aquaculture are addressed, considering factors such as accessibility, limitations, complementary data and tools, human resources and financial resources.
Case studies were completed in Bangladesh, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, and Indonesia to illustrate the local, national, and regional application of spatial technologies and the recommended steps for using it to support the DRM process.
The Guide clearly demonstrates how continuing advances in remote sensing, geographic information systems, and information and communication technologies provide opportunities for new, more effective DRM for aquaculture.
Summary version:
Aguilar-Manjarrez, J., Wickliffe, L.C. & Dean, A., eds. 2018. Guidance on spatial technologies for disaster risk management in aquaculture. Summary version. Rome, FAO. 34 pp. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. (http://www.fao.org/3/CA2659EN/ca2659en.pdf).
Aguilar-Manjarrez, J., Wickliffe, L.C. & Dean, A., eds. 2018. Guidance on spatial technologies for disaster risk management in aquaculture. A Handbook. Rome, FAO. 120 pp. Includes a USB card containing the Full document (312 pp.) Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. (http://www.fao.org/3/CA2368EN/ca2368en.pdf).
Full document:
Aguilar-Manjarrez, J., Wickliffe, L.C. & Dean, A., eds. 2018. Guidance on spatial technologies for disaster risk management in aquaculture. Full document. Rome, FAO. 312 pp. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. (http://www.fao.org/3/CA2240EN/ca2240en.pdf).
For more information, please contact:
Andy Dean
Senior Partner
E-mail: hcp@hatfieldgroup.com
Tel.: +1-604-926-3261
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