Hatfield Presents at GeoAlberta 2015
Sep 23, 2015
Hatfield’s Dr. Andy Dean will be presenting at GeoAlberta 2015 on Monday October 26th in Edmonton, Alberta. The GeoAlberta Conference brings together geospatial information professionals to discuss and learn about new innovations and technology in the GIS and Remote Sensing field.
Dr. Dean’s presentation “Earth Observation for Oil and Gas” (EO4OG) discusses an innovative study that Hatfield led with support from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the International Oil and Gas Producers Association (IOGP), which aimed to provide a base for the potential development of satellite Earth Observation guidelines for the onshore and offshore oil and gas sector. Over the past 20 years, oil and gas companies have used satellite earth observation technology through the entire project lifecycle from pre-acquisition to full operations and decommissioning. The EO4OG project captured the oil and gas industry’s current challenges and information requirements through consultations and expert review.
The presentation will summarize the EO4OG study and key insights, trends and opportunities for the oil and gas sector to apply satellite earth observation, within Canada and Internationally.
Dr. Dean is presenting on Monday October 26th at 1:45 in the Ballroom.
For more information, please contact:
Garth Taylor
Vice President
E-mail: hcp@hatfieldgroup.com
Tel.: +1-604–926-3261
Toll-Free: +1-866-926-3261