Hatfield Consultants participates in the human exposure monitoring program
Jan 16, 2008
In Fort McMurray, local residents continue to be concerned about their health and well-being despite efforts by the Oil Sands industries to reduce the release of air pollutants. To address concerns relating to air quality, the Wood Buffalo Environment Association (WBEA) established a human exposure monitoring program (HEMP).
The project ran from September 20th until December 5th, 2007 and involved thirty-five participants from the Fort McMurray area. Each volunteer wore a personal exposure monitor for seven days, which measured the quality of air they were exposed to during normal daily activities. Air monitors were also installed to measure airborne contaminates inside and outside the participants homes. These monitors sampled for the following contaminants: Nitrogen Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide, Ozone, Volatile Organic Compounds and Particulate Matter.
WBEA’s objective was to distribute monitors evenly across the seven communities within the municipality of Wood Buffalo, obtain an even age distribution; monitor both male and female participants, and participants working on and off oil sands sites. With the help of Hatfield Consultants, all objectives were met and local residents were pleased to see active monitoring of air quality in Fort McMurray.
For more information, please contact us:
Dr. Laura Beaudoin
Environmental Specialist
E-mail: hcp@hatfieldgroup.com
Tel.: +1 780 743 4290
Toll-Free: 1 866 743 4290